Blogs - Experience Pertaining to Hair Loss

January 30, 2018

Hair loss experiences of the clients of hair replacement

Mr. Sharma, a senior Hair Loss expert in Punjab has spent the last couple of years in Ludhiana consulting and meeting many clients from different walks of life. The Hair Loss...

March 05, 2018

Hair loss experiences of clients of hair transplant surgery in...

Being associated with Advanced Hair Studio for the past 3 years not only added exposure and knowledge about hair, but it has also given me pride and beautiful experiences of...

March 12, 2018

Journey from Hair loss to Hair gain with hair transplant surgery

There are individuals who are blessed with the best of hair genes, look and confidence and then, there are individuals, like myself, who aren’t so lucky.

March 06, 2018

Hair loss treatments for hair loss sufferers in Ludhiana, Punjab.

Being a doctor by profession, I pledged for the wellbeing of people coming to me for treatments with any suffering, both on Physical and Mental Grounds. It has a deep meaning...

January 10, 2018

Hair loss solutions and the Experience of a Hair Loss sufferer in...

At the age of 25 years old, I suddenly realize that my hair has lost its volume and shine. Gone are the sparkly black strands replaced by platinum ones and what’s worse is...

Let's Talk Hair

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