How difficult it is to resist the temptation of finger licking fries or those mouth-watering burgers or cheese bursting out of your favorite pizza and above all, those glistening pastries looking heavenly! All of us get tempted and it’s not humanly possible to completely desist from these luring foods but what is essential is to understand not to become addicted to them. The secret of staying healthy and having healthy hair is to enjoy these temptations in moderation keeping in mind the harmful effects of them, if consumed regularly.
These ‘junk’ foods have been linked to high fat and high cholesterol and several studies have proved them to be one of the hair fall reasons. These impact the overall health ushering in problems like obesity, heart, skin and hair issues. Today high cholesterol along with high fat is detected as a common factor in more than 70% of people coming for hair fall treatment.
A misconception arising out of ignorance has given rise to the myth that all cholesterol is bad. You need to junk this myth and be informed that it exists in every cell and plays a very crucial part in essential functions of the body like production of hormones and digestion of food.
There are two types of cholesterol and one of them is good and the other bad! Know to differentiate the good from the bad!
HDL or High-density lipoproteins has been labelled as good as it takes care of some essential functions of the body. It transports all toxins and wastes back to the liver where it is reprocessed. It also counters the ‘bad’ cholesterol- LDL. High HDL is good for your health.
LDL or Low-density lipoproteins are responsible for transporting fat molecules throughout the body. It is the high ratio of this which hampers your health especially the heart. It forms a plaque in the heart arteries affecting the smooth flow of the blood, leading to high blood pressure and many times resulting in life threatening heart attack.
Studies over decades have come to a conclusion that high levels of LDL lead to hair loss as it affects the overall health of the sufferer. Even the medications used to counter high levels of LDL have been seen to affect hairs health adversely.
If you are already facing any hair problem and looking for the best hair treatment in Ludhiana, step into AHS; a well-known name in hair loss treatment and hair regrowth for almost 50 years with a number of exclusive hair loss solutions.
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