Hair Clinic in Hyderabad | Film Nagar Cultural Center

Hair Transformation on the Horizon: Advanced Hair Studio in Hyderabad

What our hair loss experts learnt through the CSR activity

The session that our team of hair loss experts were able to arrange at the center was to bring about interesting facts that are equally important to look at.

Total visitors who came to meet up our hair loss experts in Hyderabad : 112

Age group Total visitors as per age group Men Women
Below age of 30 : 74 39 35
Between age of 30-40 : 29 21 8
Above age of 40 : 9 7 2

Men Women
People in higher level of damage 73% 59%
People with some thinning issues 19% 18%
People with no issues 8% 23%

These facts of numbers only had a clear understanding and a very different trend which was evident to our hair loss experts. The younger generation was having more issues of their hair which was something that needed attention at a detailed level and the issues were getting more vocal for the women as well. It was far from the general understanding that the hair loss concerns were getting more and more gender neutral with the passage of time.

In case you or any of your loved ones have possible signs of thinning or balding it should be the right time to help them realised such a concern in order to have the understanding taken from professionally sound experts and find the right solution for the plausible condition. Act now. Share this piece of information with the right set of people and help them get the right support at the opportune time. To know more reach our hair loss experts.

What our clients have to say

Frequently asked questions

  • What kind of procedures do you have?

    Advanced Hair Studio is regarded as the one stop shop for any kind of hairloss concerns. Our team of hair loss experts have specialized in providing solutions for hair thinning as well as balding. you need to visit us at one of our studios, so that we can check the condition of your hair loss and know the severity of your hair loss and suggest the suitable method or the combination of different methods. Once we get the idea of the effects of hair loss on your head, we tailor the combination of hair loss procedures customized for you.