Continuing with the new-found feedback from our patrons across the various cities Advanced Hair Studio and our team of hair loss specialist had learnt through first-hand experience that the concerns of hair were now being faced by all genders equally and was also by every passing day reducing in terms of the average age of individuals visiting us for hair issues and hair concerns. Since so many decades it was seen and publicised through a number of sources that the issues pertaining to Hair were getting very personal in nature. The issue was no more seen having direct correlation to age. Apart from the patrons suffering the concerns in older age now it was being seen in healthy individuals as well. That is where it was decided by the Advanced Hair Studio team that the knowledge of this level needed to be brought to each and every one who was at a possible risk of undergoing such concerns. The hair loss solutions in Ahmedabad provided by Advanced Hair Studio were now reaching the young, the middle-aged as well as the elderly. Identifying the early signs of thinning and the potential transition to hair loss were the key things that were discussed during this customer interactions. Knowing all these facts our team of Hair Experts at Ahmedabad - Advanced Hair Studio, choose to meet the patrons of Ahmedabad in comfortable surroundings, while playing and enjoying teeing off at golf in a familiar comfortable surrounding to extend help and give all possible answers about hair and hair loss as well as possible supportive hair and hair loss solutions. A few images below show the happy outing the patrons had while having a session of fun and in the meantime also having the benefit of talking to the experts first-hand.
At Advanced Hair Studio, our team has learnt through firsthand experience of so many decades that the issues pertaining to Hair are of very personal nature. Knowing this fact our team of Hair Experts at Ahmedabad, Advanced Hair Studio choose to meet the who’s who of Ahmedabad in a comfortable surrounding and help give all answers about hair and hair loss as well as possible supportive hair and hair loss solutions.
Note : *Images have been hazed keeping in mind the privacy of our esteemed patrons.
Can I use any other products to maintain my hair or should I use only specialized products?
The important answer to understand is to use the right hair products that are right for you. Formula and combination of the nutrients your hair needs. However it is also vital to abstain from harmful chemicals.
Will my results look completely natural and undetectable?
Yes. That is the precise objective. The primary objective is to have that feeling of undetectability. Whether you opt for any procedure, the results have to be undetectable and should definitely not affect your way of life. People will just notice your great hair.
Can’t you suggest me a procedure which is only for 1-2 months. I want immediate results?
Only if anyone could. World research has shown there is no immediate solution for the concerns of hair loss. The reason that the loss has been gradual and has most often gone unnoticed, also plays a role in opting for the appropriate solution. Each issue needs a customized solution when we have to deal with Hair loss. Accordingly appropriate time is also needed to sort out the issue.